Better goals, clean inbox ✨

New year resolutions aside, how will we reach our goals?

Better goals, clean inbox ✨

Ideas in this issue:

  • 🧠 Mindset: how to set better goals.
  • 💸 Wealth: 3 tips to clean your inbox.

🧠 Mindset: How to set better goals

To stay motivated and on track, it’s important to set goals that you can reach. Here are some tips for easier, consistent progress:

1. Want to stay motivated and on track? Try making checkpoints to celebrate your progress and re-evaluate. For example, if your goal is to save $10k, you can set checkpoints every $1k or every month to look back and decide on what to do differently.

10 checkboxes, with 1 checkbox filled.

2. Change what isn’t working anymore. Life is a series of bets, and we’re in for the long game. Losing 1 bet doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Image of many dots, some orange to show losses, some purple to show wins. The last dot is in a dotted line, with a question mark - it's undetermined.

3. Missed a step? Make it easy to try again. When we miss a step, the easier it is, the more likely we’ll try again.

For example, if you missed this week’s goal to exercise twice a week, try setting a smaller goal for next week - like doing one simple exercise. Even better, combine it with something you already do, like going for a walk after lunch.

An image showing the example aforementioned.

3. How can we make a goal that’s valuable even if we don’t reach it? Goals help guide us, but our end result might be different than what we expected.

For example, becoming financially independent by a certain age may bit harder to control, especially if other people are involved. On the other hand, making sure you save and invest regularly and wisely is easier to control. Even if you don’t reach your target number, you’ll still learn important skills.

Example of a financial goal that's harder to achieve in comparison to a habit you can build and learn from along the way.

💸  Wealth: 3 tips to clean your inbox

Holidays are a great time to review email subscriptions. Here are some tips to help you tame your inbox:

More: Budgeting tips coming soon!

Thanks for the feedback last week - looks like How to make a budget that sticks is a winner, so stay tuned for something in the new year 👀

A column bar showing the poll results - 57% voted on how to make a budget that sticks. 28% voted on how to manage money abroad, and 14% voted for invest, save, or pay off debt?
Poll results

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Until next week,

Kina 💛